ii.III knowing God

Through the gospel
Discovering who god is with 5 short sessions

Have real and casual conversations about life.

Who is knowing god for?

Ever had tons of questions of what Christianity and God are all about?


“Why does my Christian friend keep talking about Jesus to me? Who is this Jesus Christ to them? Can we truly know God? Why must Christians read the Bible?”


Knowing God is the place to learn all about life and the basics of Christianity. If you’re curious about God and you’re searching for answers, this is just for you.

find out who God is through tough, life changing questions in 5 short sessions!

Mar 18       Who is God?

Mar 25       Who are we?

Apr 01       Who is Jesus?

Apr 08       Right with God

Apr 15       Do you want to be with God?


Every Friday, 7.30 pm

It's not too late to join, even if you missed any of the sessions.

Bring along your friends as we get to know God together.

Knowing God for the semester has ended but feel free to contact Yu Cheng if you have any questions.

What do People think about Jesus?